
A two volume set that contains the basic and applied aspects of solvent extraction - assisting chemists, metallurgists, and engineers in the development of metallurgical separation processes.

Price: CDN $250 per 2-volume set (plus shipping)

Table of Contents - Volume 1
Table of Contents - Volume 2
About the Author

Volume 1

Volume 1 provides an insight into the basic theory, chemistry and practice of the process. This includes the chemistry and other aspects of the extractants, diluents and modifiers, and their interactions in the solvent extraction process as applied to the extractive metallurgy of metals. Physical aspects of the dispersion and coalescence of phases, and how these interact with kinetics, mass transfer and equipment design are considered. The selection and choice of contactors is treated comprehensively, with much of the material supplied by the equipment manufacturers. Comparison of contactors with respect to the specific solutions to be treated is discussed as regards to the mass transfer efficiency and the solvent losses and resulting environmental problems. Analytical methods, applicable largely to process control, for the determination of various components of solvent systems are treated in some detail.  

Volume 2

Volume 2 includes the design of the process flowsheet, from bench-scale, small-scale continuous, followed by piloting and subsequently through to scale-up to plant operation. Plant design includes sections on materials of construction, control, safety and fire hazards. A very large and comprehensive chapter is devoted to the description of many processes and process flowsheets for metals recovery, some historical, some in production, some that have been taken to the pilot stage, and others not so thoroughly evaluated. Because of the unique mineralogy of the ore to be treated and the specific solution feed to solvent extraction as well as other factors such as energy requirements, the economics of the  process and the possible environmental impacts, each flowsheet design will be site specific.  The treatment of slurries (solvent-in-pulp) is also included, as is the possible use of solvent extraction for the treatment of effluent wastes. Finally, the economics governing the choice of the solvent extraction process, together with the economics of specific processes, are discussed.